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My Dying Bride

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My Dying Bride Empty My Dying Bride

Mensaje por Megalayer Jue Oct 02, 2008 12:02 pm

My Dying Bride 151logouy7
My Dying Bride 151photore3

Avant Garde Doom Metal, United Kingdom

1990 - Towards The Sinister [Demo]
1992 - As The Flower Withers
1993 - Turn Loose The Swans
1994 - I Am The Bloody Earth [Ep]
1995 - Trinity
1995 - The Angel And The Dark River [Part I]
1995 - The Angel And The Dark River [Part II]
1996 - Like Gods Of The Sun
1998 - %34.788... Complete
1999 - The Light At The End Of The World
2000 - Meisterwerk I
2001 - Meisterwerk II
2001 - The Dreadful Hours
2002 - The Voice Of The Wretched [live]
2004 - Songs Of Darkness, Words Of Light
2006 - Deeper Down [Ep]
2006 - A Line Of Deathless Kings

Rar Password:

Cantidad de envíos : 252
Edad : 32
Localización : Charchali xD!!!
Fecha de inscripción : 29/09/2008

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